Fantastic tricks and where to find them
I have done the “Fantastic tricks and where to find them” talk in 2 conferences, T3chfest and Women Techmakers Madrid.
In this talk I wanted to share some resources to start as a front-end developer, although a lot of them can be used in other fields as well.
I mix the Harry Potter universe and the front-end development world and I enumerate some tricks to learn:
Learn the basics and good practices.
Add some tools to help your daily work.
Organize yourself.
Go to conferences and meetups. Do some courses and workshops. Read articles. Listen to podcasts. Inspire yourself with websites.
Practice while you learn, code in Codepen or GitHub Pages to share your work anywhere.
Don’t try to learn everything at once and look for companies that help with learning.
The importance of being involved in the programmer community
I started to be more involved in the programmer community since I when to the first Ada Code Group meetup in Madrid. I realized we are few women in technology, but we are more than we think and we do a lot of interesting stuff that need to be shared.
I wanted to share my experience of getting involved in the community with a group of female programmers inside the Adalab program. I spoke about:
Going to conferences and meetups.
Knowing other developers with Twitter.
Doing my first talk.